
Author: Jenni Donato

Welcome to Altitude

I'm so pleased you've decided to enrol... ...the team and I can't wait to get started. There is only one last step - please choose your (discounted) payment option below... ...you will then be redirected to a coaching agreement with our t's & c's and guarantees - and for you to input the name of the coach who referred you (if applicable). You will then be sent your log-in details


Author: Jenni Donato


Are you struggling to take your business to the next level? Find out more about Altitude - for female entrepreneurs by female entrepreneurs...


Author: Jenni Donato

Podcast 047 - The Success Trap (and my story!)

In this episode, I chat about The Success Trap and my own story of getting stuck in it - and how I got through it. So if you feel like you can't get focussed, or motivated listen now so you can find out how to escape.