The Meerkat

You are lovable, creative, a real people person

...and you have the mindset type of a Meerkat.

Even though you may be quite reserved, you're a real likable character, being creative and fun. You are brilliant at what you do, you dedicate yourself to getting great results for others and thrive on positive feedback. You care and will always go the extra mile for the people you serve and love.

However, your dedication to others can sometimes be your downfall, you find it hard to say no and struggle with conflict. The fear of negative feedback or judgement can hold you back and you find it hard to shout publicly about your achievements, which makes marketing yourself difficult.

Want to know how you can develop your mindset to make things a whole lot easier for you? Well, read on…

Connect with your big vision

People with the mindset of the lovable and creative Meerkat often struggle with building the courage and resilience to push themselves out of their comfort zone, so make sure you know your big picture vision - it may just give you the courage to take that extra step.

If you don't have a vision board, start one, make sure you know why you're doing it all and that you revisit it daily to give you some extra motivation with the scary stuff!

Learn to stand tall

Sometimes Meerkats let the fear of what others think of them hold them back. Be proud of your achievements and take a gentle step each day to build your courage and let your gorgeous nature shine through in your marketing.

Make a commitment to yourself to share a business or life win with others at least once a month and ask for feedback from the people you serve to boost your confidence.

Get some support - and a bit more courage!

Find a community of people who have done what you want, to learn the best way to get there and to help you build your courage. They will help you to set your big money goals and uncover what's holding you back so you can start to believe it can all happen for you!

A supportive community can help you to figure out the right direction for you and ultimately get you where you want to be faster than if you tried to do it by yourself.

"Who’s this mindset fairy giving you all this advice?" Glad you asked...

Hey there 👋 I’m Jenni Donato, award-winning Mindset & Business Coach, helping ambitious mums grow a profitable, stress-free business and still have time for their family - and themselves.

With a total obsession with success psychology and the mindset and habits of the rich and super successful, I help busy mums with the mindset and method to adapt what they do and streamline their business - to earn more without the endless hours, mummy-guilt and burnout.

Looking for a little extra guidance? Check out these resources...

Listen to my 'Mindset and Method' Podcast where I teach the success psychology you need to know to earn more from doing what you love and I break down the difference between people who quit and people who fly.


Join my free Facebook Community 'More to Me than Mum' where over 1200 other mums are all networking, growing their businesses and learning the mindset and method to level up their business and get the life balance they dreamed of when they set it all up.


P.S. Don’t forget to check your email!

I’ll be in there with more tips to transform your mindset - and your business...

Jenni Donato

Jenni is an Award-Winning Mindset Coach & Business Strategist, host of the 'Mindset & Method' Podcast and founder of Altitude - a 6-month immersive coaching experience with 30 business growth experts.