
Author: Jenni Donato

Podcast 008. Double Your Income, Work Half As Much!

So, What's It All About? One of the most common limiting beliefs we have is the fact we need to 'work hard' to get money, but this is simply not true. On the episode, I talk about how to break past that belief and realise that the amount of money you make is linked to your value - not how hard you work or how long you spend 'working'. I


Author: Jenni Donato

Podcast 007. Why Being An Entrepreneur Is So Tough - And One Simple Solution

So, What's It All About? Owning your own business sounds great - no boss, you get to make the decisions and you get to keep the money. But it doesn't always end up that way and here's why On the episode, I talk about why being an entrepreneur is such a rollercoaster ride, why it is so tough and why so many people give up before they even get started


Author: Jenni Donato

Podcast 006. Productivity & Getting Organised - Is it all a myth?

So, What's It All About? Productivity is not how much you get done or how busy you are, it's how you prioritise your tasks and focus on the right stuff to move you forward. On the episode, I talk about what productivity and getting organised is really about, why it often does work and what we're missing! We go through the right questions you need to ask yourself and some


Author: Jenni Donato

Podcast 005. When Is The 'Right' Time To Invest - The Psychology!

So, What's It All About? When you're starting a business - or not earning what you want from your business - taking the decision to invest in yourself can be tricky. When should you do it? How much should you put aside? Should you take it from your savings or wait until you can take it out of the business? So much can hold you back! On the episode, I


Author: Jenni Donato

Podcast 004. Mummy Guilt - The Killer Of Ambition

So, What's It All About? Mummy-Guilt, you know the feeling... We all get it but did you know that how we deal with it can have a massive impact on your life - and your future? On the episode, I chat all about why mummy-guilt may not just be making you feel bad, but it may actually be holding you back from pushing forward with your business and getting that