Podcast 023 - The Difference Between Self-Doubt and Self-Belief
In this episode, I take you through where self-doubt comes from, how it links to the beliefs you have from your past - which hold you back - and how you can move from self-doubt to self-belief in 3 simple steps...
Podcast 022 - 3 Tips to Retrain Your Brain & Build Your Business
We all bang on about this word Mindset, but do any of us ever tell you what it means? Well, I believe understanding the word is the first step to retraining your brain so you can grow your business and still get the life balance you want.
Podcast 021 - From Hobby Business to Serious Venture
So, what's it all about? Are you a mum with a business who started out with an aim to just make a bit of extra income in a way that fits around your family? Did the passion for what you do build into some serious ambition to make it your full-time gig, the real deal, a serious moneymaker? The first goal is often to surpass your pre-kid salary - is
Podcast 020 - Success Secrets for Becoming the 'Expert' and Developing Courage
Do you ever feel like you're not an 'expert' and that no-one will listen to you if you stand up and shout about what you do? Do you know you need a little more courage when it comes to growing your business? If so, this is the episode for you...
Podcast 019 - Success Secrets to Overcoming Fear and Increase Productivity
Do you ever fear what other people may think of you? If so, today we are on the second of our 3 part series on Success Secrets covering the 6 high-performance habits of how the super successful people of the world reach their goals - and how you can do it too...