So, what's it all about?

If you run a business by yourself, you quickly discover you need to be an expert in everything, from delivery and finance to marketing and sales.

The only alternative is to outsource what you DON'T want to do, so you can focus on what you DO.

However, both of these options have their pros and cons.

So today I chat with Rebecca of Digital Marketing Vibes about how to develop the right Digital Marketing Strategy for YOU and then how to know when you're ready to outsource it so you can focus on pushing your business forward.

I ask her about the common challenges facing business owners when they do their own marketing, while also covering what happens if you outsource your marketing too soon...

... (spoiler, you don't get the results you want, leaving you asking yourself whether it's your product/service or the marketing agency / social media manager and having to try to figure it out again on your own!)

We also cover how to keep your marketing simple but effective and what you need to do BEFORE you outsource.

And if you want to connect with Rebecca, you can click here to connect on Instagram.

What can you do NOW to grow your business?

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, but don't quite have enough confidence - or know how to actually do it - book a FREE Bullet Call below

On this action-packed 15 minute bullet call, we'll...

✅ help you get total clarity around what's not working well in your business right now

✅ AND I will give you one simple action - and a tonne of free resources - that will start to fix it.

Choose a time in my calendar by clicking the button below...


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Jenni Donato

Jenni is an Award-Winning Mindset Coach & Business Strategist, host of the 'Mindset & Method' Podcast and founder of Altitude - a 6-month immersive coaching experience with 30 business growth experts.