Podcast 81 - 4 Elements Of Consistent Sales

So, what's it all about?

With the launch of my 'Sales Made Simple' Membership - Consistent Leads, Predictable Sales, we've been chatting about the schedule of topics we will cover over the next few months.

On this episode of Mindset and Method, I run through a short version of my '4 Elements Of Consistent Sales' which will be covered inside the membership, that includes...

✨ What you're selling - and believe me, so many people get this wrong!

✨ Who you're selling it to - you need people with the problem you fix AND the desire and money to fix it

✨ How you sell - your sales strategy needs to fit with your goals (not be copied from a competitor) and also fit with the price of your product/offer.

✨ Your mindset - you have to have confidence in yourself, money and your offer to maximise your chance of easy, consistent sales.

Have a listen to find out how these 4 elements come together to give your consistent leads/enquires and predictable sales!

Want to know more about the Sales Made Simple Membership?

Just like it's name, the 'Sales Made Simple' membership keeps it simple, giving you access to the right level of resources and support, plus monthly activities including:

✅ An online monthly sales workshop to help you make leaps forward with your sales strategy, mindset and lead-generation process.

✅ A quarterly Sales Intensive 1-2-1 session with me (BOOST members only - claim at any point in your quarterly period) to focus on scaling your sales - from mapping out your buyers journey, to improving your offer, to working on creating a rock solid sales mindset, to conversation ideas, frameworks and scripts

✅ The functionality to submit a question and get a video reply - from simple sales tools and techniques to more detailed conversation ideas and script suggestions to the most difficult objections your buyers throw at you (think 'I'm going to think about it' style conversations)

✅ A Simple Sales Tracker that helps you measure and monitor your numbers - from sales figures to audience growth and conversion metrics

✅ Full access to all replays and the Q&A video library

✅ Your own exclusive community for motivation, inspiration and additional support


And to make sure you don't miss out on future episodes, subscribe here



Jenni Donato

Jenni is an Award-Winning Mindset Coach & Business Strategist, host of the 'Mindset & Method' Podcast and founder of Altitude - a 6-month immersive coaching experience with 30 business growth experts.