Business Made Simple - Free 5-Day Challenge

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Podcast 69 - How To Price Your Offers

Pricing is as much about your confidence and mindset as it is about what you're actually selling and this is why so many women in business struggle to find the right price. In this episode, I explain my way to find the right price for you.
Podcast 68 - Business Backstage: The Power of Assertiveness and Clear Communication

In this episode, we have a special guest, Emma Jenkings, who is a workplace mediator and assertiveness coach. Emma brings her expertise to the table as we dive into the importance of assertiveness in business growth.
Podcast 67 - Business Backstage: The Power of a Positive Money Mindset

In this episode, I chat with Kayleigh Provins, a Money Mindset Coach and we start by discussing the frustration and sense of being stuck that can arise when passion-driven work fails to yield monetary success.
Podcast 66 - Business Backstage: How The Stories Of Our Past Define Our Future

In this episode, I chat with Marie Coombes, a renowned calm mind coach with a rich background in mediation and conflict resolution.