Dealing with the Dreaded Mummy-Guilt in 3 Simple Steps

We've all heard of the dreaded Mummy-Guilt, and it seems to be part and parcel of being a mum in todays world of being busy and kid chaos. But does it need to be? You may have thought that being a mum means accepting that you're going to feel guilty about taking time for yourself / juggling your housework / juggling your other children / juggling your husband / spending your hard-earned cash.... but
The 3 Simple Steps To Combat Perfectionism

As mums, we love things to be done our own way. Mainly because it is the best way, and maybe even the only way to get things done right, on time and without anyone having a screaming fit (including us!) Does this make us perfectionists? Well, maybe, or maybe not. I guess it depends on how we look at things. But if we asked our other halves if they thought
Turning Self-Doubt to Self-Confidence in 3 Simple Steps

The definition of Self-Doubt is simply the lack of confidence in ourselves and our own abilities. Now, the world seems to be talking about how we all suffer from Self-Doubt, either at home through parenting or our own personal challenges, or at work or a new venture - sometimes known as Imposter Syndrome and you can click here to find out more - but the problem with this focus is
Our Values, Our Rules, Our Life

When I start working with clients, I am often faced with mothers who simply feel a bit lost. Like their world is not their own anymore. Like their 'fun' has been taken away by the responsibility of looking after their children. Or that they just simply cannot move forward with their own life because the lives of their family take up too much of their mental strength. I often start
"More to Me than Mum"

When I joined a business architect course I thought my next 3 months would be learning about marketing, finance and social media. How wrong was I? The first thing my course did was to get to me to focus on what service I was actually providing. Who was my 'ideal client' and how do I help? I guess I thought I knew this already as I was good at what