Podcast 032 - Self-Belief - Your Business Building Super Power

They say that if you believe you can, you will - and if you believe you can't, then you probably won't! When it comes to building businesses this is 100% true, and that is why I think that self-belief is your no 1. business building super-power.
Podcast 031 - The Pricing Problem - Finding The Right Price For Your Products/Services

What makes some entrepreneurs successful and others not? And, how do you actually find the right price?
Podcast 030 - The Foundations To Build A Successful & Profitable Business

There are 4 areas we need to set up a strong foundation for any business, whether you're a new, first-time entrepreneur or have an established business that needs a bit of a reboot, and in Tuesday's episode, I covered all 4 steps in one go!
Podcast 029 - Maintaining Motivation Despite The Summer Juggle

In this episode, I tell you about the 3 elements of motivation - vision, energy and progress - and how to pull them all together so you can maintain momentum with your business AND have a great summer with your family too.
Podcast 028 - Normalising Success & Success Proximity

As soon as you're born you get 'normalised' to the world around you. Your view of the world - and beliefs you have - are formed from your experienced and your understanding of what's 'normal'. So why can't we normalise success? Well, we can, and here's how!