Ignite Mastermind

The 3 Month Mastermind for Women In Business by Award-Winning Mindset Coach & Business Strategist Jenni Donato 👉 Are you at a stage in your online business where you feel like 'this is it'? 👉 You can't see a way forward that means more income without pumping more time, energy and focus into your business? 👉 You're struggling to implement all the ideas you have, and pull everything together so it all fits
Podcast 035 - How Getting Focused Can Save You Time, Energy & Money

Want to know the biggest time-suck when it comes to growing a business? Listen to me cover this and how to get focused to save time, energy and money.
Podcast 034 - Interview - Anna Green - One Simple Mindset Shift!

I'm thrilled to introduce our first interview, the amazing Anna Green from The Success Lounge. In this first interview, we chat about how important mindset was in growing Anna's business and how one simple mindset shift changed her business and actually created so much more time in her life!
Inspire Motivate Achieve

REGISTER NOW Where do you score on the following... 👉 Waking up inspired and excited to face the day? 👉 Motivated to be pushing your business forward? 👉 Achieving what you want from your business? - Impact, balance, freedom and money! If you didn't score yourself as 10/10 on all three, get ready to level up with... The FREE Mindset Experiment ✅ 4 Days ✅ 3 Mindset Hacks to get you inspired and motivated
Podcast 033 - 3 Steps To Skyrocket Your Sales

So, What's It All About? Recently I was prompted to 'celebrate my success' from a post in a Facebook Networking Group, and after some thought about settling in my children to school, I realised I had also made my previous (pre-kid) corporate salary in 4 days! I was asked by clients and members of my own Facebook Group 'More to Me than Mum' how I did it and decided to