
Author: Jenni Donato

Associate Coach - YES - I Want In!

You've watched the video... You've attended the session and heard all the details... And now you're ready to say - "YES, this is for me!" I'm so excited for us, so let's just recap the commitment you're making... ✅ You have (or commit to making) the time, energy and head-space to go 'all in' on this opportunity and show up 100% ✅ You will make it a priority to attend


Author: Jenni Donato


VA Positions Altitude is currently recruiting VA's to join our VA team. If you think you have the skills and energy to join 'Team Altitude', please fill in the form below APPLY NOW Coaching Positions Are you a passionate ambitious coach/consultant who works with female entrepreneurs... ...and would love to work alongside me and my team of inspiring coaches on our industry-leading immersive coaching experience Altitude? If so, I'm


Author: Jenni Donato


Want to find out more about working together? Are you an ambitious woman wanting to build an online business you love, that earns the money you want, in harmony with your life? If so, there are a number of ways we can work together to make that happen... ...from my VIP Strategy Days, to my Transformational Altitude Immersive Coaching Experience If you'd like to find out more about how we


Author: Jenni Donato

VIP Strategy Day

Do you want to build a business you love, that brings you a consistent, predictable income... ...and allows you to earn what you want, in a way that works for you? "Jenni you are a magician! Still buzzing from yesterday" (Lizzie, Oct 2021) BUY NOWHow a VIP Strategy Day works... First, we'll spend an intensive 4-5 hours online or in-person at a choice of Berkshire locations - just