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Podcast 048 - Taking Your Power in Health, Life and Business - with Trina Kavanagh-Thomas.

In this episode, I chat with the amazing Trina Kavanagh-Thomas who talks directly to you - the one - about how you can take back the power in your health, life and business.
Podcast 047 - The Success Trap (and my story!)

In this episode, I chat about The Success Trap and my own story of getting stuck in it - and how I got through it. So if you feel like you can't get focussed, or motivated listen now so you can find out how to escape.
Podcast 46 - Why Everyone Needs To Know How To Launch (even if you hate launching!)

In this episode, I chat with the amazing Rai Richardson - Launch Strategist and Marketing Mentor from Force4Events and we talk about all things launching - and why you need to know how to launch, even if you don't want to do it!
Podcast 45 - Your Support Network And Why It's So Important

In this episode, I chat about why life is all about who you surround yourself with. If we surround ourselves with happy, successful, wealthy, inspirational people, guess what? We become that ourselves.