Register now for the 'Let's Sell It...' Free 5-Day Challenge.


So who's it for?

✅ You're a business owner struggling to sell out your offers / products

✅ You're tired of the boom and bust of sales and want a more consistent and predictable flow of leads and sales

✅ You want to feel more in control of your business and evolve so that your business works for YOU!


So what's the Agenda?

✅ Mon 17th March - Day One @ 10.30am - Overview of my 4 Sales Essentials and plans for the week.

✅ Tue 18th March - Day Two @ 9.30am - The WHAT and WHO of Selling - let's build you an audience of buyers, not lurkers!

✅ Wed 19th March - Day Three @ 9.30am - The HOW of Selling - simplify your funnel and get complete clarity on your Sales Strategy

✅ Thurs 20th March - Day Four @ 9.30am - Your Sales Mindset - get super confident with sales and talking about your offer without the ick!

✅ Fri 21st March - Day Five @ 9.30am - Let's get you committed - summary of your Sales Essentials, setting your minimum commitment and next steps for you to sell out your offers/products!


And who are you, Jenni?


Hi, I'm Jenni. I'm an Award-Winning & Certified Mindset Coach & Business Strategist, mother of 2 ‘high-energy’ kids, a dog lover and a hot chocolate drinker. ☕️

I work with online service providers with a desire to help people and make a difference, to unscramble their business, simplify what they do and make more profit by making a bigger impact!

With 2 businesses, 2 demanding kids and a rescue dog, I know how important it is for your business to work for you….

…it’s not about the 6/7-figures or laying half naked on a speed boat…

…it’s about having a business that you love, where you can earn whatever you want, create generation wealth and make an impact in the world - while never missing a school assembly!

I'm the host of the 'Mindset and Method' Podcast which launched in the Top 10 of the Entrepreneurial Chart and the founder and host of Altitude - a groundbreaking, women-led, immersive coaching experience where I go deep with my clients to design the rock-solid foundation that allows them to turn their passion-based ventures into vibrant, easy-to-run, profitable businesses that WORK FOR THEM...

...with a team of seasoned business growth experts - who cover essential areas such as PR, marketing, sales, advertising, mindset, financial management and more - we have whatever skills our clients need for that extra level of support during implementation.