Nurturing Relationships
Now you have a better understanding of what you want your future to look like - and the inner-narrative to match - now is the time to consider those around you. How do they fit with your new life?
Here we will look at the power of together, how we can build the bonds with those closest to us and develop a support network which pushes us forwards and helps us on our journey.
Watch the video below and complete your Day 6 Challenge to start to work on building the bonds with those who push you forward...
Day 6 Challenge
On a piece of paper write 3 names of people who make you feel encouraged and excited about your future - even if they are not that close to you at the moment, just pick people who give you energy and positivity. Now write 3 things you could do to build a stronger relationships with them, not only to get more encouragement from them, but to return the favour and show more interest and encouragement for their goals and ambitions.
And don't forget to come inside my FREE Facebook Community 'More to Me than Mum' to post your homework
Just use the search function to search for 'The Life Balance Challenge - Day 6' to join the discussion and get the support you need to make the most of your Life Balance Challenge...
Are you serious about making real change happen in your life?
Would you like to work 1-2-1 with me, or hear more about about my new VIRTUAL spa experience The Mind Spa?
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"I am now happier, calmer and have a lot more time from working with Jenni" (Vicky, 2019)
You can request a FREE, no-obligation, Discovery Session by clicking below and I will be in contact to confirm...